Popularly elected NPC Councillor Ananthy Sasitharan was taken to medical care at fainted state on Friday morning after she was threatened over the phone by ITAK leader and TNA parliamentarian Mavai Senathirajah to resign from the ITAK and the TNA. The controversial threat comes following an interview to the BBC Tamil Service by Ms Ananthy on Thursday. In the interview, Ms Ananthy went on stating that she would be either abstaining from the voting or nullifying her vote as no Tamil with self-respect would be voting for any of the two mainstream candidates in the SL presidential race. Ignoring the opposition from the grassroots, the Establishment-centric hierarchy of the TNA last week decided to support the common opposition candidate Maithiripala Sirisena. |
While the main contestants in the election and the powers backing them are open about their agendas that totally disregard the aspirations of Eezham Tamils, the TNA leadership has sabotaged a historic opportunity in which the Eezham Tamils could have pitched their stand to international knowledge by rejecting both the candidates, commented political observers in the island. As far as the TNA is concerned, the genocide-partnering powers have succeeded in converting struggle politics into quisling politics, the observers further said. Even those among the Tamil voters who wish to get rid of Mahinda Rajapaksa and do not see any option other than voting for Maithiripala wanted the TNA to remain with self-respect and not adopt a position without securing any guarantee from the opposition candidate on the pertinent demands of the Tamil people, the political observers further noted with concern. TNA's NPC Councillor from Mulliaththeevu, Mr Raviharan, ITAK Youth Wing leader Mr Sivaharan, former parliamentarian and NPC Councillor Shivajilingam have already voiced against TNA backing a candidate, who has failed to meet any of the crucial Tamil demands. |
Mavai threatens Ananthy for BBC interview on election stand!
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