In a statement released on Wednesday the UPFA expressed “strong resentment” over the Secretary-General's comments, saying,
“In fact this country has been enjoying democratic voting rights many decades before Mr Ban-Ki-moon’s country.”The statement went on to say,
“The UN Secretary General, who has not asked governments or leaders of many countries with questionable claim to democracy to conduct credible elections, is preaching to Sri Lanka, a vibrant democracy on how to conduct elections.”
"He has given unsubstantiated figures of alleged ‘350 violent attacks against Muslims and over 150 attacks against Christians in the last two years’. The current election campaign commenced six weeks ago, and we challenge UNSG to show us if there had been even single attack on Muslims or Christians in this period of campaigning."
"Mr Ban-Ki-moon should have verified the facts from the minority community leaders before urging for an ‘election process without any fear’."
“Since the end of the conflict in 2009, Sri Lanka conducted several elections -Presidential, Parliamentary and local government - including Provincial Council elections for the North after a lapse of several decades in the most peaceful and credible manner.”
“Under these circumstances, the UNSG’s statement is nothing but a blatant interference in the internal affairs of this country.”