They’re icons in our struggle for justice and freedom, but they’re labelled as “terrorists”. It is about these women of courage that I want to write about. |
Take Issaipriya, a young woman who worked as a correspondent and news reader for the Tamil Tiger communications wing, whom the Sri Lankan government claimed was a combatant who died in combat. Now it has come to light that Issaipriya was a non-combatant and did not die in combat, was indeed taken alive by Sri Lankan soldiers, a fact, caught on camera which Channel 4 UK called “chilling new evidence” which would one day serve to convict the psychopaths who stripped her naked, gang raped her, mutilated her private parts, inflicted gashes on her face and head and executed her. |
Issaipriya, Vany Kumar And Ananthi Sasitharan; Women Of Courage – Beating The Labelling
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