The Criminal Investigation Department has questioned former Minister Vinayagamurthi Muralitharan alias Karuna Amman over the assassination of TNA Jaffna district parliamentarian Nadarajah Raviraj in 2006. The CID has questioned Former Minister Muralitharan over the assassination as the Department has received information that he was aware of the murder. According to the CID sources, Muralitharan has been extensively questioned by the CID over the assassination and he may be questioned over same again. |
Raviraj was killed in November 10, 2006 while he was visiting his house after an interview with a Television channel. He was shot at by two unidentified persons on a motorcycle and his body guard too was killed in the shooting. CID sources said that vital information over this assassination has not been revealed by the investigators. The Department hoped that it will be able to apprehend the suspects soon. |
Raviraj killing: CID questions Karuna Amman
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