C.V.Wigneshwaran, the Chief Minister of NPC, condemned the decision taken by the officials to provide alternate land to the owner whose lands were seized by the Buddhist monk for building Buddhist temple in Kokkulai.
Meanwhile, the AGA failed to enforce law against the Buddhist monk who acted unlawfully, the Chief Minister of NPC expressed his anxiety. He mentioned this matter in the letter written to the Vanni district Inspector General of Police.
While the lands, paddy fields, industrial areas, fishing waters and etc are still being appropriated, the land belonging to Thirugnanasampanthar Manivannan was unlawfully seized by the Buddhist monk for building a Buddhist temple at Kokkulai.
The people of this area staged protest condemning this. Without taking steps to provide justice to the affected land owner, the AGA has taken a decision to provide alternate land to the affected owner, which would be the deplorable example to the future, the Chief Minister added.
The particular land should be given back to the owner as a manner to make the justice available to the affected land owner and the law should be applied properly in this matter, the Chief Minister mentioned in this letter.