Mahinda Samarasinghe, who co-chairs the Permanent Standing Committee on Human Rights along with SL Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera, is a senior leader belonging to SL President Maithiripala Sirisena’s SLFP.
“Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) is very clear in its policy to oppose a federal solution. Such a solution would be unconstitutional and would lead to disturbances by strengthening extremism”, the PTI reported on Monday. “We will examine the 13A to see what powers remaining to be granted. We can consider that but not a federal solution,” the PTI quoted Samarasinghe as saying further on Monday.
The SL minister also went on record on Monday stating that the removal of the ban that has been imposed so far by the European Union for ‘Sri Lankan’ fish exports as a ‘huge victory’ of the current regime, Daily News reported.
A section of the Sinhalese protesters at the Tamil sport event in Bologna, Italy.
At Bologna, the Sinhala mob was demanding the organisers of the Tamil sport event, the Eezham Tamil Sports Unit of the Tamil Coordinating Committee (TCC) and Eezhath Thamizhar On'riyam (The union of Eezham Tamils), to hoist the genocidal Lion flag at the event, which the organisers promptly denied.
The Sivakumaran memorial sport event has been held every year on Italian Liberation Day by Eezham Tamils. The organisers use to hoist the Tamil national flag and the Italian national flag at the event.
On Monday, the Italian police who entered the venue to contain the situation also demanded Tamils not to hoist their national flag.
As the dispute prevailed, the organisers refused to continue the event disobeying to the demands of Sinhalese and to that of the Italian police, which was attempting to block the Tamils from hoisting their own flag.
The poster in Sinhala inviting ‘Sri Lankans’ in Bologna to protest against the sport event held by Eezham Tamils
Following is the translation of the poster by the Sinhala mob that called for action against the Tamil sport event:
(Green strip)
Invitation regarding a matter of special importance for the nation
(Dark yellow strip)
Every Sri Lankan from Bologne should attend - without sectarian political divisions (one word misspelt in Sinhala)
(Light yellow text)
25 April 2016 (April is completely misspelt in Sinhala)
(Red text)
Let us rise against the Cricket tournament in Bologne that has been organised in support of the Barbarous LTT Tiger organisation.
(Yellow text in blue background)
All should come at 8:00 a.m. on the 25th April Monday to Munadi Aiya's (Aiya is big brother in Sinhala) shop
(Red text)
Let us put a full stop to the violent past
(Footnote text)
Let us share this information widely
A poster that had been issued by Tamils about the sport event coinciding with the Liberation Day of Italy on Monday.