The SL President Maithiripala Sirisena has been claiming that he had ‘restored’ transparency. But, such transparency never existed on Tamil affairs and the latest auction involving handpicked Sinhala traders from South was also one among them held in complete secrecy, the informed source further said.
The ‘transparency’ and the so-called ‘freedom of speech’ are only accorded to Sinhala South while the Northern Provincial Council is intentionally held in complete dark. Likewise, Tamil civil officials are expected to adhere instructions and orders coming from Colombo and keep silent or risk losing their jobs.
Colombo’s ministries, departments and authorities continue to rob Tamils lands citing occupying unitary State’s laws and there is no ‘transparency’ in SL military-run businesses involving farming with slave workers, large-scale plundering of natural resources and the transportation of material robbed from Tamils. On top of all this, the SL military establishment is also suspected to be behind organised narcotic influx as a tactic of the continued ‘counterinsurgency’ warfare. Everything is ‘classified’ in the occupied country of Eezham Tamils, according to the ‘national security’ policies of genocidal Sri Lanka.
The genocidal commanders of the occupying Sinhala Military were the first ones to seize valuable vehicles immediately after the war in 2009.
The seized vehicles were transported to South through the land and sea. Some of these vehicles were deployed by the abduction squads in North as well as in South. A number of vehicles have also been sold through private sellers in South, either by SL military commanders or by Rajapaksa family politicians. The fact that more than 650 vehicles seized in North were used by the SL Military Intelligence and TID operatives in North as well as in the South was revealed in the case of missing journalist in South Prageeth Eknaligoda.
Muslim traders were competing for scrap iron in Vanni, which was also a big trade involving millions of rupees.
Only in Ki'linochchi, and that too a few vehicles that had no engines in them, were handed over to the District Secretariat to undertake a ‘civil’ auction with transparency.
In the meantime, insurance agencies in the island continue to decline any remedy to Tamil civilians who have lost their vehicles in the onslaught.
According to the informed sources at Mullaiththeevu District Secretariat, a Sinhala trader who has secured a large number of vehicles that were preserved by the SL military in a jungle base at Chuthanthira-puram, is now transporting them by moving them to Puthuk-kudiyiruppu.