
Tamils mark Maaveerar Naal 2016

Tamils this week hold events around the world to mark Maaveerar Naal (Tamil national remembrance day), which is officially commemorated each year on November 27.
The day, which remembers those who sacrificed their lives in the Tamil struggle for freedom, is marked on November 27 in memory of the first death of a Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) cadre in fighting. Lt. Shankar died in combat on November 27, 1982.

NPC plants trees to remember those who died in Tamil struggle
The Northern Provincial Council on November 1st launched a tree planting initiative to span across the month of November in memory of all those who died in for the Tamil homeland.
Jaffna uni marks Maaveerar Naal
Students and staff at the University of Jaffna marked Maaveerar Naal (Tamil national remembrance day) on November 25, lighting candles in memory of those who gave their lives to the Tamil struggle.
Maaveerar Naal remembrance posters displayed at Jaffna Uni
Posters marking Maaveerar Naal (Tamil national remembrance day) were placed around the University of Jaffna as students and staff held remembrance events on November 25.
Locals clean LTTE cemeteries in Kilinochchi
Tamils in the Kilinochchi district gathered at the sites of cememteries for fallen LTTE cadres to tidy the remains of the tomb stones, ahead of Maaveerar Naal, the Tamil remembrance day, on November 27.
Danish Tamil uni students commemorate Maaveerar Naal
Students at Aarhus University in Denmark marked Maaveerar Naal (Tamil national remembrance day) on Friday.
London shopfronts display Tamil national flag for Maaveerar week
Tamil businesses across London mark Maaveerar week by flying the Tamil national flag in their shopfronts.
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