
The President must take charge of the riots! - Chief Minister's charge

The President of the Supreme Court, who has the legal and order to establish or maintain peace in the country, has also made it clear that he will not identify the criminals with his race and will never let them be punished.  Northern Provincial Chief Minister CV Vigneswaran has alleged that the performance of these activities has led to the riots.
The President of the Supreme Court, who has the legal and order to establish or maintain peace in the country, has also made it clear that he will not identify the criminals with his race and will never let them be punished. Northern Provincial Chief Minister CV Vigneswaran has alleged that the performance of these activities has led to the riots.

The Chief Minister said in the weekly question-answer report. This week's question is about events that are now attracting everybody in the south.
Q: What about your hard work in the Eastern Province and the Central Province?
Answer: These hard activities are not new in Sri Lanka. I see from a different perspective that the majority of the people will be unleashing on the minorities. I do not see those who are suspicious or suspicious of the community, with the eye of justice and justice, not the caste, social, religious, language-wise view. The message we heard from Digana was that two young men had killed another young man. Police must take appropriate actions immediately. But what happened?
The killing of young people as Muslims and killing the Sinhalese became a conflict between the conflict between the youth and became a communal struggle. It has become a pudding for those who have done so. When the criminals are involved in their activities as their people or ours, it produces ethnic disturbances, conflicts and anger. Today, the situation has reached the international level because high politicians have identified us as those who committed war crimes in the war in the North Eastern Province.
The army, navy, or air force must identify themselves with the criminals and remove them from their forces and then punish them. The reason for not doing so is political inputs.
What's going on? The President of the Supreme Court, who is to establish or develop peace and order in the country, has also made it clear that he will not let the victims identify with his race and never let them be punished. So what does the perpetrator feel? Whatever I do, I have the president, the government and the politicians. So I will continue to think of human rights violations.
What do the police think? If we think of politicians or acting, we can benefit from our career and personal lives. If the law keeps us going, the politicians think we will send us water to the forest. So the police do not have to act as a call for politicians, We must realize that some people have anticipated opportunities and expectations.
In 1983, a Southern group who had been waiting for such actions to take part in a war against the war in the Northern Province immediately began functioning in Colombo Borella. Politically speaking politics. Policemen were in disarray in the presence of the police as they did not know. Many houses were looted. The shops were beaten and crushed. They were set on fire. Tamil people were killed. Many other events took place from Borella and continued throughout the Western Province. Then it happened. The police must have taken the proper action as soon as it was discovered that such an event took place in Borella. Picking. The interruption of the politicians was due to the innocent Tamil people that happened to innocent Muslim people today. I would say that it is political inclusion.
The "Sinhala Only" Act was brought in because the Tamil people were often involved in public service. The protests of 1958 erupted in protest. The Tamil people were so intrigued that their discontent came with the Vaddukoddai proclamation in 1976, and in 1983, the riots were stepped up. There were politicians in the background.
In 1981, the Jaffna Library was burned by the politicians. In a Sinhala language, a politician has been asked by a politician from the Jaffna royal residence that he is a " Immediately, some soldiers have set fire to the Jaffna library. Chavakachcheri police (Sinhala Police Superintendent) told me this morning. I was the Chavakachcheri District Judge at that time. Since the Tamil people are often involved in public service, the "Sinhala Only" Act has been brought. The protests of 1958 erupted in protest.
The Tamil people were so intrigued that their discontent came with the Vaddukoddai proclamation in 1976, and in 1983, the riots were stepped up. There were politicians in the background. In 1981, the Jaffna Library was burned by the politicians. In a Sinhala language, a politician has been asked by a politician from the Jaffna royal residence that he is a " Immediately, some soldiers have set fire to the Jaffna library. Chavakachcheri police (Sinhala Police Superintendent) told me this morning. I think Chavakachcheri District Judge at that time. One of the Muslim Brothers is trading in business and business. It will not continue to happen.
On that day, Tamils ​​are in the public service. They did not want to leave. Today, Muslims believe that they are flourishing in business. Their stores are burnt. The next reason is that the population growth rate is about 5 per cent, the Sinhalese population is about 2 per cent and the Tamil population is 1 per cent. As such, some politicians have been explicitly saying that in 2040 we are the majority in Sri Lanka. The Muslim community is currently economically affected. Deaths are high. Such acts are likely to happen in the future against the Muslim community. The next time you expect to survive life expectancy. Police must have sufficient training to prevent these acts from becoming ethnic issue. Furthermore, police forces should not be taken into account in the control of politicians. We need to create independent and trained police forces. We need to consider whether we can not do the police force in a corporate position. The government can inform the police of the police. Implementation should be in the possession of other sub-police principals. The government can inform the police of the police. Implementation should be in the possession of other sub-police principals. The government can inform the police of the police. Implementation should be in the possession of other sub-police principals.
Like the Election Commissioner, the police should be allowed to act independently. A murder took place in the 80s within the Jaffna court jurisdiction. One of those who entered the village to save his friend into a caste battle in the village, one of those who did not involve himself, killed one of them. There were witnesses. The police had a knife used. The suspect was placed in front of the magistrate. The suspect was admitted to the police to accept the police's request. The magistrate had identified the suspect before him as his close relative. After being picked up, many politicians, relatives, lawyers and friends called for a bail to suspect. He does not shake anymore. Six months later, the judge allowed the prisoner to go to the bail after receiving a state prosecutor's report six months later. The prisoner was murdered within a week of his release. In fact, the judge could even say that the judge had helped him stay alive.
If the prisoner had already given a bail before requesting politicians or relatives, the prisoner had already been murdered. But the judge did not prevent caste and fire fighting. My opinion is that politics and politicians are responsible for the formation of hard work. Such riots are likely to happen again against the Muslim people, as it happened to Tamils ​​in the coming days. Like the Tamils, the Muslim masses will be further exterminated from Sinhalese areas. For this I am asking the country to provide federal autonomous rights to nine provinces. Most of the Tamil-speaking people in most areas where the majority of the population does not go to violence. But Tamils, Muslims,
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