The Secretary of the NPC Chief Minister's Ministry Ms Vijeyaluckshmi Ketheeswaran has publicly criticised SL President's Secretariat in Colombo for evading the process of stock-taking the extent of militarised lands in Mullaiththeevu and coming with a proposal for phased release of private lands back to the people. Mullaiththeevu is one of the heavily militarised districts of the Northern Province. Two months have elapsed since she attended a meeting convened in Colombo at the SL Presidential Secretariat on 11th April, Ms Vijayaluckshmi told journalists in Jaffna on Tuesday, a day after the SL President Maithiripala Sirisena, who was visiting Ki'linochchi handed over a document to the Government Agent of Mullaiththeevu of releasing just 52 acres of lands in the district.
The Command-in-Chief of the SL military is Maithiriapala Sirisena, the executive president of the unitary State of genocidal Sri Lanka.
His civil secretariat was sitting on the process for two months, and now only a few acres of lands are being released back to the people. The act is purely a time-buying tactic, Tamil civil officials in Jaffna said.
Along with the 52 acres in Mullaiththeevu, the SL military was only prepared to release 62 acres in Thelliappazhai (Valikaamam North) in Jaffna and 6 acres in Karaichchi division of Ki'linochchi district.
SL President received documents for these lands from the SL military commander in Ki'linochchi, Major General Nisshanka Ranawana “on behalf of the Commander of the Army,” a news release by the SL military said.
Last month, a highly placed source at the Mullaiththeevu District Secretariat told TamilNet that more than 60,000 acres of private and public lands in the district had been converted into Sinhala Military Zones.
All the official figures issued so far by the District Secretariat, the NPC and the NGOs have been based on false and manipulated data, which were coming from the sources placed under the administrative system of the unitary state of genocidal Sri Lanka, the source had further stated.
While the official figures from the District Secretariat are said to be at 25% lower than the real numbers, the SL Ministry of Resettlement has come up with a ridiculously low value of 1,150 acres as being held by the SL military in the entire district.
But, the SL military is now not even prepared to release these 1,150 acres. It has gone to the extent of forging the land documents to complicate the process further.