The occupying navy of genocidal Sri Lanka deployed its marine commandos in a convoy of 45 vehicles, including 15 armoured cars, in one of the biggest training exercises to be traumatically experienced by the resettled Eezham Tamils in Moothoor East of Trincomalee district on Friday. The war-affected families, especially the elder-generation among them, were caught in trauma due to the roaming vehicles and the live firing, which reminded them of the times of genocidal onslaught in 2007. The political observers in the East ask the question for whom the marine force is getting prepared at the physical and psychological expense of war-affected Eezham Tamils of Moothoor East.
The children were disturbed by the continuous shooting that went on as late as 1:00 a.m. Saturday, the people said. They were also concerned about their security as the gunfire went on very close to the civilian pockets.
The military vehicles were roaming through the villages of resettled Eezham Tamils. The SL Navy was engaged in a ‘clearing operation’ type of field training at Choodaik-kudaa as well as firing exercises with live bullets and explosives at the coastal terrain of Pinaadduk-kal.
The locality of Pinaadduk-kal, previously known as Thaddaik-kal, is an open salty land at an expanse of 30 acres.
The firing has been going on for a few days during the day and night.
Besides, the convoy was roaming through the villages of Pa'l'lik-kudiyiruppu, Paaddaa'li-puram and Veera-maanakar to Choodaik-kudaa on Friday.
The navy of genocidal Sri Lanka is being groomed with a new marine force by the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command at Trincomalee after 2009. The SL Navy didn't have a marine commando unit during the times of the war.
The SLNS Vidura is the main marine training base of the SL Navy, and it is situated in Champoor.
Recently, new police posts have been put up at several locations, and the notorious STF commandos were deployed in clearance operations in the jungles. The SL Police explained that the police posts were temporary posts. But, these seem to last for more than a month now, the people said adding that such positions could become mini-camps in the future.