35-year-old A. Osman Figurado, a father of two and 26-year-old M. Augustine are the other two fishermen, who are being treated at Mannaar hospital.
The incident has taken place around 8:30 p.m., according to the initial reports.
Although the exact cause of the explosion is yet to be established, local sources in Mannaar said illegal use of dynamite explosives by fishermen engaging in sea cucumber poaching has become a widespread problem as the contractors from the South were exploiting the fishermen to engage in poaching.
The occupying SL Navy and politicians of the South have been alleged of backing export companies in the South to exploit poor fishers from Negombo and Puththa'lam with sub-contracts.
The majority of the native fishers and the fisheries societies are united against the illegal poaching.
There have also been disputes between Tamil and Sinhala fishermen in Vadamaraadchi East, Jaffna and in Mullaiththeevu in recent weeks as thousands of fishing vessels belonging to intruding fishers from South have been deployed in sea cucumber poaching off the eastern coast of Vanni.