
Return of HSZ occupied lands reveals army's luxury lodges and leisure resorts

Tamils of Valikamam North who returned to view their lands found that during the Sri Lankan army’s 28 year occupation of the area their homes and lands had been converted into guesthouses and leisure resorts.
While the residents of Thayiddy were pleased to find that unlike in other instances of land release, their homes and infrastructure had not been completely destroyed, they highlighted that while they had been locked out of their lands under the guise of national security, Sri Lankan soldiers had been using their lands to live lives of leisure and luxury.
As well as having ostentatious water features which seemed inappropriate for the water scarcity of the region, the homes had been decorated and extended as luxury accommodation and guesthouses. One home had a large wooden mural depicting Sinhalese mythology on its facade.
As well as a basketball court in the village, a Buddhist shrine had also been built on a private property.

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