
Tamil leadership need not shy away or react to unfair challenge coming from Sumanthiran

The Eezham Tamil leadership should positively consider seeking pardon from the Tamil-speaking Muslims, explaining the dynamics, going back to the root of the evil lying in the mentality of the sections of elite of all sides in upholding the colonially created Colombo-centric genocidal State in the island and its patrons outside, commented Tamil activists for alternative politics in the island. The Muslim grievances, as often highlighted by them, do not begin from the LTTE eviction of Muslims from Jaffna. They start from Sir. P. Ramanathan, lawyering and achieving impunity for the Colombo-centric Sinhala leadership’s crimes against Muslims in the Puththa'lam pogrom of 1915. The dynamics of Colombo, now added with international partners in deploying ‘lawyers’ to seek impunity continues to this day, the activists said.

The activists were responding to Colombo-based TNA parliamentarian Mr. M.A. Sumanthiran urging the Northern Provincial Council headed by Justice C.V. Wigneswaran to pass “a resolution condemning the en masse expulsion of Muslims by the LTTE which amounts to ethnic cleansing” in 1990, “just as it [NPC] passed a resolution in condemning the genocide conducted against the Tamils.”

According to Sumanthiran, cited by The New Indian Express reporter in Colombo, “If the NPC does not do it, the world will not take the Tamil’s contention that they had been subjected to genocide seriously.”

In fact, the world seeing Tamils subjected to genocide will not come through by the added resolution urged by Sumanthiran, as the so-called IC, the UN and Sumanthiran himself showed utter disregard to the earlier resolutions of the NPC as well as the resolutions of the Tamil Nadu State Assembly.

What Sumanthiran urges amounts to ridicule of the Eezham Tamil claim of a large-scale, internationally engineered genocide, in order to equate the crimes of ‘both sides’ and ultimately serve the agenda of seeking impunity and integrity of the Colombo-centric genocidal State and its abettors.

But the Eezham Tamil leadership and activists in the island and in the diaspora need not shy away or react to the unfair challenge coming from just a ‘lawyer’ engaged by international culprits.

Eezham Tamils should be able to see that Tamil and Muslim leadership, at one point or another, and the Sinhala leadership always, trying to uphold the State in Colombo or the agenda of its sponsors outside, is the root cause of all evils.

The LTTE act on Muslims itself, its antecedents and after effects, need careful perusal. The line of talks in 2002 between the LTTE leader V Pirapaharan and SLMC leader Rauf Hakeem also needs consideration in this context.

Eezham Tamil polity seeking pardon from Tamil-speaking Muslims should be unassuming, but it should come in an enlightening way to the edification of the Colombo-centric agenda or the powers-guided agenda, pursued in the past as well as in the present. Otherwise, it may only amount to conferring impunity to the State in Colombo and its abettors.

Answering Mr Sumanthiran is insignificant. The response should be fundamentally revolutionary to impact the agenda-setters behind him as well as the Tamil mindset.

The apology may first come for Tamil polity in the past securing impunity to Sinhala leaders committing crimes against Muslims in a Colombo-centric State emerging under the British. Seeking pardon for the LTTE act may also follow. But, the game of internationally lawyering impunity to the genocidal State and upholding its integrity continues. This is what that most seriously needs condemnation by Tamil polity.
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