Transport Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva today called government to disban Finanacial the Crime Investigations Divission(FCID) saying that it has not been set up legaly, Mr de Silva adressing a news Conference at the Information Departmeent said that it was similar to bringing judges from over seas to hear our cases.“ FCID is out side the legalle framework”, he added. Refering to the arrest of Yoshitha Rajapaksa the Minister said that the case filled against him should be brought up qickly and ended soon. “ Mr Rajapaksa is still an acused. |
Only after he is prooven guilty in frount of a court the people would know if he is guilty or not and what action will be taken against him”, he said. The governemnt should not take time to find weather he is guilty or not. |
Minister calls disbanding of FCID
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