Sri Lanka’s process of implementing the UN Human Rights Council resolution on accountability and reconciliation “remains shrouded in secrecy” writes Human Rights Watch Director Brad Adams.
Adding that Sri Lanka’s process had kept international organisations out of the loop, he said,
“Even some international bodies that are supposed to be engaging with the working group say that they do not have the most basic information about its structure. The same is true for other developments related to the UN resolution.”
Stressing the need for clarity of Sri Lanka’s process in advance of the upcoming session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Mr Adams said,
“As the next UN discussion in June approaches, it is critical for the government to confirm publicly the steps it has taken toward delivering on its promises. Failure to do so has already eroded the trust of some segments of society, particularly Tamil and Muslim groups in the north and east. The government would do well to wipe away the fog of rumor and make clear public statements about what it is doing – and how – to implement its obligations.”