The new immigration bill, which was enacted last week states that new Canadian citizens have lesser rights than those born Canadian. The Tamil National Alliance parliamentarian Suresh Premachandran said that this new Immigration law in Canada ‘undoubtedly puts a lot of Sri Lankans irrespective of their ethnicity at risk of losing their citizenship.” He also said, “While we acknowledge and respect Canadian Government’s laws, This new law will also deter a lot of Sri Lankans, especially, Tamils from seeking to obtain a Canadian citizenship status. Chris Alexander, Canada’s Citizenship & Immigration Minister said, “Our Government knows that there is no higher purpose for any government than to ensure the safety and security of its citizens…that is why we are taking steps to confront the ever evolving threat of jihadi terrorism by revoking citizenship of dual nationals who have been convicted of heinous crimes such as terrorism, espionage for foreign governments or taking up arms against Canada”. According to the Immigration Legal Experts, Since the Canadian Citizenship Laws are toughened, the Sri Lankan Expatriates are under the risk of deportation. |
1,40,000 Sri Lankans might get affected under the new Immigration Law of Canada
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